Solicitors and conveyancers
In this section we cover:
Our panel of solicitors
You can check Lender Exchange to see if your client’s solicitor is available on our panel.
Please remember:
- Check the solicitor firms name and address is spelt correct
- Check if the solicitor firm has more than one address.
Mortgage Offers
In most cases, you'll receive a Mortgage offer digitally. This will be via Lender Exchange.
For paper-based applications or remortgages with free legals, you'll receive a manual offer by post.
Change of solicitor
To change solicitors post-offer, please contact us on 0345 730 20 11. This is for online applications only. For paper applications, you must complete a material change form.
The new solicitor must provide confirmation they're acting for the clients. They can do this by emailing the confirmation to, or sending a letter. Letters need to be in PDF format and addressed to 'Nationwide Building Society', containing the following details:
- Solicitors header/footer/logo
- Date
- Applicant(s) name
- Case reference
We'll then contact the old solicitor to confirm they're no longer acting for the clients. We'll then issue a revised mortgage offer.
Solicitor details as part of a change of product
You can provide this through the 'Amend case' option. Please see the Amend Case page for more details.
Dual representation
It might be that your client's solicitor isn't on Nationwide's panel.
If that’s the case, your client can either:
- Change their solicitor for one that’s on our panel. OR
- the non-panel solicitor can be instructed to act for your client only.
We’ll nominate a separate panel solicitor to act for Nationwide. Your client must pay all costs, including those charged by both solicitors.
We'll require from your client:
- Solicitors company name and the acting conveyancer
- Solicitors address, telephone number and email address
- Confirmation they're happy to pay all relevant costs
If your client wants to continue and use this process, please call us on 0345 7302 011.
Member redemptions
Your client can contact us for a bespoke calculation of their early repayment charges (ERCs) if they're:
- redeeming a mortgage from funds not connected with the sale of their property (e.g. Inheritance or a divorce settlement) AND
- they’re subject to ERCs.
Solicitors can visit the solicitors page on our customer website.
Local Authority Search
We require conveyancers to carry out all the usual and necessary searches and enquiries.
A Local Authority Search protects both the applicant and ourselves. It can reveal matters such as future development plans for an area as well as existing planning consent for another property close by. It can flag whether the property is safe to live in or if it requires remediation works.
Instructions to Conveyancers
Our instructions in the UK Finance Mortgage Lenders’ Handbook are:
- Non New Build property purchase transactions – we require a completed local search in all circumstances. We don’t accept search insurance.
- Remortgage transactions – we don’t require a completed local search or require search insurance.
- New Build cases - where the local search carried out on the original plot of land has expired, we'll accept search insurance to cover any new risks that may have emerged since the local search was carried out.